2018年12月17日 星期一

Red Paco brothers 帕可三兄弟 - 卡諾瓦星球練功篇 REMIX官方版 徐瑋 Kevin Ping 作品

Red Paco brothers 帕可三兄弟 - 卡諾瓦星球練功篇 REMIX官方版 徐瑋 Kevin Ping 作品

故事大綱《Red Paco 瑞德帕可》是描述Q銀河系兩個星球之間的爭霸戰

「卡諾瓦星球」及「暗黑星球」是故事的軸心。 一群來自外星的訪客,以地球為基地,少年英雄光復家鄉「卡諾瓦星球」的星際傳奇故事…。 西元1813年,距今約200多年前十九世紀末的某一天夏夜,距離地球約十萬光年遙遠而古老的卡諾瓦星球Kanova派了一批訪客到地球,他們是卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席總理大臣「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco夫婦,及親表弟卡諾瓦星球赫赫有名的大將軍史丹長老夫婦。

尼古拉斯 帕可及史丹 帕可來到地球的時間是西元1813年。 「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco和老婆麗雅在地球陸續生了三兄弟,帕可三兄弟承襲了卡諾瓦人的異能力,均身懷絕技,老大Red Paco瑞德帕可是一位17歲華裔俊美少年,天賦異稟具有高超的異能力,得知自己是被「銀河之星」選中的救世主後,帶領人民光復家鄉「卡諾瓦星球」。 原本平靜的Q銀河系因為統治者的權力慾望而變得風聲鶴唳,星際間的爭霸戰因此而開始,美麗的卡諾瓦星球不再平靜,大家都被捲進這場權力及光能爭奪戰之中。

The syllabus "Red Paco" is a battle between the two stars of the Q Galaxy. "Canova Planet" and "Dark Planet" are the axis of the story. A group of visitors from aliens, based on the Earth, the legendary story of the heroic heroes of the hometown of Canova. In 1813, about 200 years ago, on a summer night at the end of the 19th century, about 100,000 light-years away from the Earth, the ancient Canova planet Kanova sent a group of visitors to the Earth. They are the Canova planet Kanova.

 The Chief Minister of the Prime Minister "Nicholas Paco" Nicholas Paco and his cousin Canova, the famous general of the great general Stan. Nicholas Paco and Stan Paco came to Earth in 1813. "Nicholas Paco" Nicholas Paco and his wife Liya have three brothers in the earth. The three brothers of Paco have inherited the different abilities of the Kanova people. They are all stunted. The boss Red Paco is a 17-year-old Chinese. Junmei Junior, talented and talented, has a superb ability to learn that he is the savior of the "Galaxy Star" and leads the people to the hometown of Canova. The originally calm Q-Galaxy became a wind and the wind because of the desire of the rulers. The interstellar battle began, and the beautiful Canova planet was no longer calm. Everyone was involved in this battle of power and light. .

